
Showing posts from June 27, 2023

Best Panchakarma Therapy In India

Ayurlife is a dedicated multispeciality ayurvedic treatment & research centre with the facility of All classical panchakarma therapy, keraliya panchakarma therapy as well as medicinal treatment at West Bengal Kolkata. Ayurlife is a day care unit with separate therapy room, observation room,patient consultency room, Recovery unit, rest room,pharmacy & patient information key oks. All types of ayurvedic treatment & medicine available here in a reasonable price. Ayurlife provide on line consultancy for selective patient Chief clinical director & founder member of ayurlife Dr Pallabi Mukherjee b.a.m.s(cal), m.d ayu(cal), phd ayu(w.b.u.h .s ) Is a nationally acclaimed ayurvedic physician having 25 yrs of clinical experience & academic excellence She is the head of the department in department of panchakarma in West Bengal government ayurvedic medical college & hospital. Member board of study of West Bengal university of health science. A regular author in int...