
AyurLife is the best Ayurvedic Clinic

Best Panchakarma Therapy In India

Ayurlife is a dedicated multispeciality ayurvedic treatment & research centre with the facility of All classical panchakarma therapy, keraliya panchakarma therapy as well as medicinal treatment at West Bengal Kolkata. Ayurlife is a day care unit with separate therapy room, observation room,patient consultency room, Recovery unit, rest room,pharmacy & patient information key oks. All types of ayurvedic treatment & medicine available here in a reasonable price. Ayurlife provide on line consultancy for selective patient Chief clinical director & founder member of ayurlife Dr Pallabi Mukherjee b.a.m.s(cal), m.d ayu(cal), phd ayu(w.b.u.h .s ) Is a nationally acclaimed ayurvedic physician having 25 yrs of clinical experience & academic excellence She is the head of the department in department of panchakarma in West Bengal government ayurvedic medical college & hospital. Member board of study of West Bengal university of health science. A regular author in int...

Ayurvedic Medicine

  a) According to method of preparation. 1. Aristha and Asava :   Asavas and Aristhas are made by soaking the herbs either in powder form or in the form of decoction (kasaya) in a solution of sugar or jugglery Ex Avayarista, Lauhasava etc.   2. Rasa Rasayan : Ayurvedic medicines containing mineral drugs as main ingredients are called Rasa rasayan or Ras-yoga. They are in pill form or in powder form. Ex Swarnavasma, Roupyavasma, Makaradhwaj, Basantakusumakar ras etc. 3. Lauha Kalpa : Lauha kalpas are preparation of Loha Bhasma as main ingredient with other drugs. The other active ingredients are made to fine powder and mixed with Ex Dhatrilauha, Loha Bhasma.   4. Vati or Gutika :Medicines prepared in the form of tablets or pills are kown as vati or gutika, these are made of one or more drugs of plant, animal or mineral origin. Ex Arogyavardhani vati, Chitrakadi gutika.   5. Churna : Churna is a fine powder form of drugs. Ex ; Trifalachurna, Talishad...